lunes, 24 de junio de 2019

Chavismo, Fascist Characteristics


The personality cult is one of the characteristics of fascism, so we see it as reigned in Hitler's      time the image says it all.

At the totalitarian Soviet Union of Stalin, his cult was an important part of that regime that massacred his children, the authors of the October Revolution itself.

At North Korea, a dynasty, a hereditary monarchy that based on socialism, keeps its population isolated and hungry. Kim Il Sung, who is already the third of this dynasty, maintain an exaggerated cult of personality, the following image show it.

For Chavism, the issue is no different, they prefers to deify the military man, who wanted to become the king of Venezuela, in front  his humblest followers and his fanatical militants.

A giant post of himself and the gift of his self-portrait with Kirchner show the giant ego that Chavez had.

Chavez when he was alive, still not was sick. A giant poster overwhelms the whole environment, like a celestial dome where his own image enlarged thousands, dwarfing everything around him.

Now that Chavez has died, Chavism is making efforts to Lenin-ization or Mao Zedong-ization of his memory, turning him into a saint, supreme commander, only Bolivar, Chavez and Quixote. With only one objective, use his memory, evidently false and glorious, as a mechanism of domination.


Another characteristic of fascism is the uniformization of people and environment. As much as possible impose a color and signs to the citizens, manipulate the environment, the city, the roads, the spaces, the buildings, the institutions so that the underlying presence of this symbology will oppress you and dominate you.

During Nazism, the assault troops, the SA, marched through the streets of Germany, trying to imitate with the Bolivarian Militias, which are nothing more than paramilitaries that are used to threaten opponents.

In North Korea the uniformization of the people is patent, down in a speech of the Führer.

Chavismo does it and will continue to try with the people.

In the institutions of the state, which are of all Venezuelans, their political signs and brands are imposed.

It is obliged to uniform and march the Venezuelan workers, linking the institution in a corrupt way with the neo totalitarian political party.

Trying to emulate the North Koreans and the Nazi concentrations, in the Chavistas rallies the variety is eliminated and obedience and servility is imposed on a single idea through the uniformization of the people.


The EXTERNAL ENEMY and THE INTERNAL ENEMY are the other important characteristics of a good fascist or neo-totalitarian party. They promise paradise but there is a devil, a lucifer who prevents it, this devil is the external enemy. Within the country all those who disagree with their political idea (which is nothing more than the reign of an elite and a leader over the other citizens) are traitors, are the internal enemy allied to the external enemy. The dictatorship try to make to look the citizenst opponents  like perverse, beings without love for the country, who only want the vile money and destroy the dream of the perfect society that the god caudillo and his partisan elite want and strives to achieve.

Chavistas have their external enemy.

All the others, those of us who believe that democracy, social solidarity and freedom must be the values that govern our society, are the internal enemies that must be destroyed, for this reason they associate us with the external enemy and try to show us, front the world, as their puppets. This tactic applies to everyone.

The mass media do not escape, and some of the below image are neutralized today.

Nor do ordinary citizens escape, who may be vetoed by their ideas, and must forget to get a job at any institution or company in the state, or to do business with them.

The totalitarian state is over any citizen, if the regime have to morally destroy it and call it traitor and stateless, will be done.

It is not surprising that the original text of article 3, published in Official Gazette 40266, dated October 7, 2013, indicated that the information to be collected and analyzed was "associated with internal or external enemy activity" and that private organizations they were also obliged to comply with the requirements of the "Political-Military Directorate of the Bolivarian Revolution". This article was modified only by keeping up appearances.

One of the most despicable characteristics of this regime is that they take away the political status of any opponent, seeking by all means the criminilization of the opponent, and as we saw in Brito's case, the personal disqualification through lies medical using mass media. For them there is no political opposition but traitors, and the people incarcerated they will be crazy, never political prisoners.


The thesis that the state is the people, we know that IS FALSE but is central in all fascism. So, it was in the fascism of Mussolini, in the Nazism of Hitler, in the Soviet of Stalin and the Left Totalitarianism that is also fascism, but universal.

Chavism converted the entire Venezuelan state, its institutions, its companies, its institutes, into the property of the party and the totalitarian elite. Since of the cry of the famous corrupt Venezuelan president of PDVSA that "PDVSA is reddish red" everything was slowly succumbing to the voracious appetite of the political party PSUV.

State agencies or institutions that escaped the control of the party have been economically suffocated and stripped of their powers, by creating parallel agencies with the same powers but with all the support and money of the state.

The State is not the People but the State in fascism is controlled by The Party and its men, and as all or most of the companies were nationalized, the Party is virtually the owner of almost all the means of production.

The Chavez regime has turned the state into a tool of their party to perpetuate and persecute those who think differently. For a Venezuelan to accede to a position in a company of state, which are now so many, you should bow your head, eat your tongue, and silence opinions, because in every job interview comes the shameful phrase "YOU HAVE TO BE WITH THE PROCESS" as a requirement.

Groups of the party were taking over ministries, nationalized companies, where they set up bureaucratic structures governed mainly by partisanship, nepotism and clientelism. These vices do not arise as atypical deviations from the process but are consubstantial to it.

A process where the CAUDILLO, the great Leader (the German Führer) prevails, in the military chavism language "the Commander President", as maximum hierarchy or absolute king of the country and of the process. It is natural that this caudillismo derives to lower levels, that like the maximum caudillo they apply the nepotism and the clientelism to take over the positions of their plots of power. Remember that the father of the late Commander President was the governor of Barinas, his brother mayor of the city of Barinas, his other brother governor of Barinas, his cousin president of Pequiven (Petrochemical Industry), and dozens of cousins and other relatives located in top positions in ministries or state institutes. That behavior has spread throughout the country. It is no longer that every Venezuelan has the right to get to work in one of these institutions, but that we must have contacts in the political party to get the work. Merit, honesty, ability, and ethics are worth nothing. You have to know how to duck your head, silence opinions and forget about pride in order to be selected for a job.

All of this has as its ultimate goal to eliminate the economic freedom of citizens to be able to remain in power through blackmail and political manipulation. "The humble people are grateful", a very intelligent phrase. People without economic freedom are more likely to be manipulated, to ignore their rights, to allow a master - slave relationship, sir - server, caudillo - follower.  The poorer, the more manipulated and exploited they will be.


Chavism like Nazism or Italian fascism, never respected the opponent and always opted, without hiding it, for the One Thought. The slogan PATRIA, SOCIALISM OR DEATH, shows intolerance and violence, and clearly indicates the vision of unique thought that they have for the government of the country.

The praxis of Chavism through these almost 20 years has always ratified that lack of respect and recognition to the opponents. They do not see them as compatriots who have a different point of view but who love the country and seek solutions; ¡No! they see them as enemies that must be pulverized, destroyed, all from a violent and military language: battalions, admirable campaign, etc. Chávez's famous phrase " Shit Victory " shows the innate hatred of the fascist have for people that thinks differently.

The dictatorship of Hitler had as constitutional basis an enabling act, was called the Law of Full Powers: gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich (Law for the Liquidation of the Difficulties of the People and the Reich). With this enabling law Nazi fascism ignored the opponents.

Maduro also passed an enabling act similar to the one approved by Hitler he calls the "Enabling Law to fight corruption and economic warfare." With this enabling law, Chavista fascism ignored the opponents.

Look at the common grandiloquence in the denomination of the two laws, a characteristic typical of totalitarian regimes.

Hitler declared in 1933 following the law of Full Powers:

"The government offers the parties of the Reichstag the opportunity for friendly cooperation, but it is equally prepared to continue in case of your refusal and hostility. You, gentlemen of the Reichstag, must decide between the war and the peace."

Maduro declared in 2017: "I do not want a civil war but I leave it in your hands, we go fight for the country." But already before, in 2016, he had threatened with blood and death.

Today, in 2017, we see how they intend to destroy the National Assembly (the congress, the legislature) and put an end to all opposition through violence and the fraudulent "legalization" of the dictatorship.


The German brown shirts (SA) of Nazism, and the black shirts (The Volunteer Militia for National Security) of Italian fascism are remembered for the terror and the multitude of excesses and murders committed.

All fascism requires militias for dirty, repressive and illegal social control, violator of human rights. Chavism already has its Collectives that enter the history of infamy.

The civic military alliance with the combination of the slogan “Patria, Socialism or Death” is the reason used by the chavism dictatorship for the creation of the militias, which are essential for all fascism. Chavism creates them despite having been rejected by the Venezuelan people in a referendum. But in parallel, without any referendum and outside any law they create armed groups, which will be responsible of the dirty and criminal repression. Our Chavista tropical fascists, instead of having the SA (later SS) have their Collectives supported miserably by the Bolivarian National Guard that would be part of the Nazi Wehrmacht.


Fascism and Totalitarianism have given immense value to the word as an instrument for lies and a mechanism of social control. This is how Goebbels was the master of propaganda and the falsification of truth and history. Stalin was the perfecter of the techniques of the lie, of the change of history.

Censorship is immanent to fascism and totalitarianism because for their followers, they are the sole owners of the truth, they are a kind of religion that based on a future paradise justify the censorship of everything that does not support the process that only they can direct. In this order of ideas it is essential that these regimes support and stimulate only art that supports the process and accepts the lines of the revolution; and only admit a story that exalts the process, its leaders and its ideology, so that the past, the patriotic symbols and values must be molded in the image and likeness of what the leader and the party want.

Chavism takes Gramcsi's term of Communicational Hegemony to simply try to impose a truth that conforms to what the party wants. Just as the Ministry of Nazi Propaganda described the only truth, this is what Chavism tries to do, which has been devouring slowly all the mass media that oppose of the regime, in order to eradicate  the freedom of information, a very hard task due to the current technological situation, It is complicated for the dictatorship but  undoubtedly they have put a great effort.

The Communicational Hegemony in practice is a strong censorship of information, an economic and judicial siege to all means of dissident information, and the purchase of means of communication with dark money or of dubious origin; and fundamentally a factory of lies of all kinds, useful for creating false truths, fictitious statistics, nonexistent triumphs, and describing as true a social paradise where de facto what exists is hell.

8) MILITARIZATION OF THE SOCIETY (Military Civic Alliance)

All fascism militarizes society. Take a look at Nazism and another at Italian fascism. You will see how the militarization of society in all aspects was commonplace. Chavism does the task of every fascist, militarizes society.

The slogan "MILITARY CIVIC UNION" is used to justify the militarization of society. The military covers almost all the scenes of power, accompanied by a poor comparsa of civilians. A soldier in Venezuela knows everything according to Chavez. They have been President, Vice Presidents, Ministers of Health, of Electricity, of political Interior, Governors, Chairs of CADIVI (The Venezuelan government's currency control unit), etc. The civil-military union where the military has control of weapons and institutions is a completely unbalanced and Goebbelian alliance.

The military presence is already usual in the streets. It is common the use of the military to intimidate the population, to control food queues, to intimidate people when the militaries roam armed with rifles on their motorcycles in all the cities of the country, or establish military checkpoints in all cities and towns, as if the country was taken by an army of occupation. The regime uses this militaries as a threat when they make visits to small and medium businessmen in order to inspect their businesses and blackmail them with economic exclusion in a country where the state, that is the same the political party, controls almost everything ...

In short, the military humiliates the civil, as we see it today.

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