When you point out that Chavism is a
totalitarian regime, many respond that if it were, they would have shot thousands,
they think it must be like Hitler's or Stalin's, but it is not like that. There
is something called evolution and yes, totalitarianism has evolved, today is
not the time to shoot Thousands.
Chavism is impregnated with the totalitarian
spirit, in fact, there is a more closed social control, and they apply techniques
already tried out by the infamous Cuban dictatorship and refined by the Venezuelan
The neo totalitarianism of which Venezuela, China,
and Cuba are examples is more similar to Hitler than to Stalinist
totalitarianism. Today they make space for private property, of course managed
by party members or by the upper class integrated into the dictatorship. It
also resembles the absolute power of the 18th century of kings and aristocrats
(Luis XIV in France, for example).
Another important point to highlight is that
the objective of this neo totalitarianism is to destroy the economic independence of
the middle and
popular classes (professionals,
technicians, employees, workers in general, bricklayers, grocer, small
entrepreneurs ...)
For the totalitarians, this sector is the most
dangerous because it is more numerous, because it has freedom of thought and
greater analytical capacity and action, because of its proximity to the lower
popular classes and because it will lose the most in the process.
The upper classes do not worry them, some will
ally themselves with them as indeed happened in Venezuela. Others will leave
the country and they will not be a major problem. The poor people, the really
poor, already are and will continue to be poor, perhaps with worse conditions,
but they won't give them much to do.
To destroy the independence of the middle class
and the popular classes, they implement policies and measures that end to
destroy wages (US $ 4 per month) and asphyxiate businesses through either state
intervention or restricted in the flow of raw material and products that are
require to make business. They also give control to Mafia’s groups over the means
of production.
To clean up the country and bring the Peace of
the Submissive, they blatantly push people to emigrate. Something that Cuba has
always applied, in order to reduce protest and incidentally take over
properties and loose social pressure on services and the economic apparatus
To sell the revolution worldwide, they apply
small windows of controlled freedom (as Umberto Eco writes) and at the same
time brutal repression against dangerous opponents and even punctual against citizens,
for example, imprisoning young people for more than 3 years just for protesting
the lack of energy in some areas.
Part of what the revolution sales is to put
together more sophisticated and less crude electoral farces than the Cuban one,
using an opposition created, designed and constructed for and by the
dictatorship only to democratically varnish the infamous regime in the face of
so much idealistic fools (stupid says Arturo Pérez Reverte) worldwide
Chavism is a totalitarianism, if we review its characteristics,
we will see how they fit perfectly into the essentials of a totalitarian
regime. It is not more similar to that of Hitler or Stalin totalitarianism
because times have changed, but its spirit is the same. See the link below.
In it, 8 characteristics of fascism are reviewed and we see how they all fit into the Chavism regime, which is not an individual case but one more avatar of the neo-totalitarian left. These characteristics are:
- Cult of Personality
- Standardization and rigidity of the Society
- External Enemy, Internal Enemy
- State = Party
- Unique Thought and no Recognition or Respect for the Opponent.
- Use of Armed Militias for Social Control.
- Use of Lies to construct a false reality.
- Militarization of the Society (Civic Military Alliance)
In the party is also an essential part of the miserable policy of left neo-totalitarianism, the use of the “Homeland” card (for the allocation of bonds and state aid) as social control is perverse and shameless. They even make their process of acceptance by making people lose a little dignity, feeling smallness, weak and invalid before the totalitarian monster.
There is a film by Vicente Amorim, with Vigo Mortensen called GOOD from 2008, which shows how little by little a decent man, is being constantly pushed to accepts being part of the party and joining the totalitarian gear. Chavism, an avatar of the totalitarian left, does the same. A trailer for the film can be seen here: https://youtu.be/2CYE-YHU6og
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